Category Archives: Veterinary

Equine gastric ulcer syndrome – EGUS: the facts

Briony Witherow brings us 10 key facts we should all know about EGUS 1. Equine

Healthy gut – healthy horse

The gastric system of a horse

Sand colic in horses

Carolyn Cummins MVB Phd MRCVS, consultant vet to Westgate Labs explains what happens when a

Medical treatment of colic

Dr Emma Shipman, BVetMed DipACVIM Cert VA MRCVS, University of Nottingham Vet School & Oakham

Why should you call the vet if your horse shows signs of colic?

Emmeline Hannelly MSc, Welfare Education Manager, The British Horse Society, begins the first in our

Why did my vet not prescribe an antibiotic?

Stuart Davies BVSc MRCVS, talks us through how antibiotics work and, why careful prescription is

Equine blood testing

Equine Blood testing

How and when to worm a horse

Rebecca Watson MSc RVN, demystifies some common misconceptions

Equine worm control – a new approach is needed

Equine Worm control

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